Pennsylvania Lawn & Landscape has been providing reliable professional snow removal services in the Lehigh Valley since 1988. Specializing in commercial property snow removal, we have all the equipment and labor necessary to handle properties of any size or type of use, from wide-open lots to corporate centers or detailed retail centers. We stay up to date on the latest equipment and ice melt products that can help us to increase safety for both vehicular and foot traffic. Our objective is always to allow our clients to maintain or resume normal business operations as much as possible when inclement weather presents itself.
Often times, the snow removal company you choose, is the only protection your business will have from a personal injury lawsuit. Unfortunately, in today’s world, property owners have a target on their back. Lawsuit happy lawyers and an increasingly unscrupulous population will ounce on any opportunity to take advantage of “hazardous” conditions. We pride ourselves in identifying problem areas on your property and prioritizing their completion in such a way that mitigates safety issues.